Legal Notice.

Ce site est édité par

REDEX SAS, dont le siège social est 1 rue Paul Defontenay, 45210 Ferrières en Gâtinais, France .

SIRET : 775 738 115 000 28
RCS : 775 738 115 Orléans
N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR 57 775 738 115
Téléphone : +33 2 38 94 42 00
Adresse e-mail :
Directeur de la publication : Bruno GRANDJEAN
Responsable du site : Canefora ([email protected])

Ce site est hébergé par :
1 Esplanade Augustin Aussedat – 74960 ANNECY (CRAN-GEVRIER) – France
SIRET n°82968508000030
Téléphone : +33 6 50 84 51 35
Présentation :

Conformément à l’article 4 de la loi n° 2022-300 du 2 mars 2022. Pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, les utilisateurs du site sont informés de l’identité des différents acteurs intervenant dans sa mise en œuvre et son suivi. :

Le responsable de la publication est une personne physique ou une personne morale.

Ce site est créé par :

Créateur : Canefora ([email protected])
Webdesigner : Canefora ([email protected])

Art. 1 Conditions d’utilisation

Toute personne qui accède au site (ci-après le « Site ») s’engage à respecter les présentes conditions générales d’utilisation, qui peuvent être complétées pour certains services par des conditions particulières .

REDEX se réserve le droit de modifier et mettre à jour à tout moment l’accès au Site et les présentes conditions d’utilisation. Ces modifications et mises à jour engagent l’utilisateur qui doit en conséquence se référer régulièrement à cette rubrique pour vérifier les Conditions Générales en vigueur.

Art. 2 Données personnelles et autres

2.1 Les données sont exclusivement destinées à REDEX, ses filiales ou membres de son réseau commercial à des fins d’enquêtes, d’analyses, de communications institutionnelles, d’opérations relatives à la gestion de la clientèle ou, si vous êtes d’accord, de propositions commerciales. Ces informations sont confidentielles et conservées par REDEX, ses filiales et les membres de son réseau commercial. Conformément à la loi « Informatique et Libertés » du 06/01/78, et au Règlement (UE) 2016/679 et à la Directive n° 2016/680,

vous disposez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et de suppression de ces données ainsi que du droit de vous opposer au traitement de ces données en nous contactant par courrier à l’adresse suivante :: 1 rue Paul Defontenay, 45210 Ferrières en Gâtinais, FRANCE.ou par E -mail à : [email protected]

Vos demandes doivent être signées et accompagnées d’une photocopie d’une pièce d’identité portant la signature du titulaire. La demande doit préciser l’adresse à laquelle la réponse doit être envoyée.

Dans l’hypothèse où vous auriez accepté dans nos formulaires de recevoir par email des informations et sollicitations commerciales de notre société et de son réseau de magasins sous la marque REDEX, vous aurez à tout moment le droit de revenir sur cette décision, soit en cliquant sur le lien prévu à cet effet en bas des e-mails que vous recevez, ou en envoyant un e-mail avec pour objet « se désabonner » à l’adresse suivante : :

2.2 Conformément à l’article 6 de la loi du 21 juin 2004 pour la confiance dans l’économie numérique, l’Hébergeur conservera vos données de connexion, couvertes par le secret professionnel et traitées dans le respect des dispositions légales sur les données personnelles.

Art. 3 Hyperliens
Si vous souhaitez mettre en place un lien hypertexte vers notre Site, vous devez en conséquence prendre contact avec le Responsable du Site——————- ne pourra en aucun cas être tenu pour responsable du contenu des sites faisant l’objet d’un lien hypertexte à partir de ce Placer.
Art. 4 Cookies

Lors de la navigation sur le Site, des cookies sont implantés dans votre ordinateur. Un cookie ne nous permet pas de vous identifier : en revanche, il enregistre des informations relatives à la navigation de votre ordinateur sur notre Site (les pages que vous avez consultées, la date et l’heure de la consultation, etc.) que nous pourrons lire lors de vos visites ultérieures. Ces informations sont stockées sur votre ordinateur pendant une durée de six mois.

In addition, the website uses Google————–, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Google”). Google ———–uses cookies to help REDEX and the host to analyze the use of the Website by its users. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for REDEX and the host and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google is likely to communicate this data to third parties in case of legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including in particular REDEX, the publisher of the Website and the host. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using the Website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

We would like to inform you that you can prevent the storage of cookies by configuring your browser as follows:

For Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and later:
In the menu bar, choose the tools menu;
In the drop-down menu, choose internet options;
Click on the privacy tab;
Click on the advanced button of the settings section;
In the advanced privacy settings window make sure the option ignore automatic cookie handling is not checked.
For Firefox from version 12 :
In the menu bar, choose the tools menu;
From the drop-down menu, choose options;
Click on the privacy icon;
Click on the delete specific cookies link;
In the Cookies window, click on the Delete All Cookies button.
For Opera from version 11 :
Choose the menu
In the list, choose settings and then delete private information
Click on the delete button.
For Google Chrome :
Click the Customize and configure Google Chrome icon
Choose from the Settings list
Click on Show advanced settings
Click the Content Settings button
Click the Cookies and Site Data
Click the Delete All
We nevertheless inform you that access to certain services and sections of the Site may be altered or even impossible due to the deletion of cookies.
Art. 5 Content of the Site
REDEX, the host and, more generally, any company contributing to the design, production and online publishing of this Website, make every effort to ensure the accuracy and regular updating of the information published on this Website. REDEX and the aforementioned service providers reserve the right to correct and modify the content of the Website at any time without being held liable for this, as REDEX may make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) described on this Website at any time.
Art. 6 Manifestly unlawful content

In accordance with the law of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the economy, you can alert the host of the presence of content that you consider to be illegal by filling in the downloadable form (click on the link). The host will assess the illicit nature of the content brought to his attention.

Le fait, pour toute personne, de présenter un contenu ou une activité comme étant illicite en vue d’en obtenir le retrait ou d’en faire cesser la diffusion, tout en connaissant cette information inexacte, est puni d’un an d’emprisonnement et de 15 000 euros d’amende.

Art. 7 Droit applicable
Les présentes Conditions Générales d’Utilisation sont soumises au droit interne français.

This site is edited by 

REDEX SAS, whose registered office is 1 rue Paul Defontenay, 45210 Ferrières en Gâtinais, France .

  • SIRET : 775 738 115 000 28
  • RCS : 775 738 115 Orléans
  • VAT Number: FR 57 775 738 115
  • Telephone: +33 2 38 94 42 00
  • E-mail address:
  • Publication Director : Bruno GRANDJEAN
  • Site manager : Canefora ([email protected])

This site is hosted by :

  • 1 Esplanade Augustin Aussedat – 74960 ANNECY (CRAN-GEVRIER) – France
  • SIRET n°82968508000030
  • Telephone: +33 6 50 84 51 35



Presentation :

Pursuant to Article 4 of Law No. 2022-300 of March 2, 2022. On confidence in the digital economy, users of the website are informed of the identity of the various parties involved in its implementation and monitoring :

The person responsible for publication is a natural person or a legal entity.

This site is created by :



Art. 1 Terms of use

Any person who accesses the site (hereinafter the “Site”) agrees to abide by these general conditions of use, which may be supplemented for certain services by special conditions.

REDEX  reserves the right to modify and update access to the Site and these terms of use at any time. These modifications and updates are binding on the user, who must therefore regularly refer to this section to check the General Terms and Conditions in force.




Art. 2 Personal and other data

2.1 The data is exclusively intended for REDEX, its subsidiaries or members of its commercial network for the purposes of surveys, analyses, institutional communications, operations relating to customer management or, if you agree, commercial proposals. This information is confidential and kept by REDEX, its subsidiaries and members of its commercial network. In accordance with the law“Informatique et Libertés” of 06/01/78, and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and Directive No. 2016/680,

 you have the right to access, rectify and delete this data as well as the right to oppose the processing of this data by contacting us by mail at the following address:: 1 rue Paul Defontenay, 45210 Ferrières en Gâtinais, FRANCE.or by E-mail at  : [email protected]

Your requests must be signed and accompanied by a photocopy of an identity document bearing the holder’s signature. The request must specify the address to which the reply should be sent.

In the event that you have accepted in our forms to receive by email information and commercial solicitations from our company and its network of stores under the REDEX brand, you will have the right to reconsider this decision at any time, either by clicking on the link provided for this purpose at the bottom of the emails you receive, or by sending an email with the subject line “unsubscribe” to the following address:: 

2.2 In accordance with Article 6 of the Law of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the Hosting Company will keep your connection data, covered by professional secrecy and processed in compliance with the legal provisions on personal data.




Art. 3 Hyperlinks

If you wish to set up a hypertext link to our Site, you must therefore contact the Site Manager——————- can in no way be held responsible for the content of the sites that are the subject of a hypertext link from this Site.




Art. 4 Cookies

When browsing the Site, cookies are implanted in your computer. A cookie does not allow us to identify you : on the other hand, it records information relating to your computer’s browsing of our Site (the pages you have consulted, the date and time of consultation, etc.) that we will be able to read during your subsequent visits. This information is stored on your computer for a period of six months.

In addition, the website uses Google————–, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “Google”). Google ———–uses cookies to help REDEX and the host to analyze the use of the Website by its users. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the Website (including your IP address) will be transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for REDEX and the host and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. Google is likely to communicate this data to third parties in case of legal obligation or when these third parties process this data on behalf of Google, including in particular REDEX, the publisher of the Website and the host. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google. By using the Website, you expressly consent to the processing of your personal data by Google under the conditions and for the purposes described above.

We would like to inform you that you can prevent the storage of cookies by configuring your browser as follows:



For Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and later:

  1. In the menu bar, choose the tools menu;
  2. In the drop-down menu, choose internet options;
  3. Click on the privacy tab;
  4. Click on the advanced button of the settings section;
  5. In the advanced privacy settings window make sure the option ignore automatic cookie handling is not checked.


For Firefox from version 12 :

  1. In the menu bar, choose the tools menu;
  2. From the drop-down menu, choose options;
  3. Click on the privacy icon;
  4. Click on the delete specific cookies link;
  5. In the Cookies window, click on the Delete All Cookies button.


For Opera from version 11 :

  1. Choose the menu
  2. In the list, choose settings and then delete private information
  3. Click on the delete button.


For Google Chrome :

  1. Click the Customize and configure Google Chrome icon
  2. Choose from the Settings list
  3. Click on Show advanced settings
  4. Click the Content Settings button
  5. Click the Cookies and Site Data
  6. Click the Delete All

We nevertheless inform you that access to certain services and sections of the Site may be altered or even impossible due to the deletion of cookies.




Art. 5 Content of the Site

REDEX, the host and, more generally, any company contributing to the design, production and online publishing of this Website, make every effort to ensure the accuracy and regular updating of the information published on this Website. REDEX and the aforementioned service providers reserve the right to correct and modify the content of the Website at any time without being held liable for this, as REDEX may make improvements and/or changes to the product(s) described on this Website at any time.




Art. 6 Manifestly unlawful content

In accordance with the law of 21 June 2004 for confidence in the economy, you can alert the host of the presence of content that you consider to be illegal by filling in the downloadable form (click on the link). The host will assess the illicit nature of the content brought to his attention.

The fact, for any person, to present a content or activity as being illicit in order to obtain its removal or to stop its distribution, while knowing this inaccurate information, is punishable by one year’s imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros.




Art. 7 Applicable law

These General Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to French domestic law.

REDEX Group is a European Engineering company offering Mechatronics solutions worldwide.


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REDEX Group is a European Engineering company offering Mechatronics solutions worldwide.

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